Our E-Liquid Bottle Caps Are Changing

Our E-Liquid Bottle Caps Are Changing Oliver Norman

Our E-Liquid Bottle Caps Are Changing

We know you guys have gotten used to the white caps that come on all our 10ml e-liquid bottles – we’ve been using them for a very long time! After some careful planning however, we have decided to make the switch from white, to black.

Don’t panic though, this doesn’t mean anything else has changed! Our e-liquids are still the same fantastic quality you’ve come to know and love; this change is only skin-deep. In fact, there are a few sneaky benefits to making this change, for the environment and also for you!

How the change will affect you

As we’ve said, you don’t have to worry about anything. The difference is in the cap colour only – the materials used to make them and the tamper-proof design will remain the same so you will still have the exact same experience as before.

We’ve still got a few white caps here at HQ, and we certainly won’t be wasting them! With this in mind these remaining white caps will be phased out over the next few weeks. Once they are all used-up, we will begin using black caps across all our 10ml products. So, you might not spot them right away but be prepared – they are coming!

This change only impacts our 10ml products – our LiQuid short fills will not be affected. Just keep placing your regular orders as you always do, you can leave the rest to us!

Why have we changed to black caps?

As you may be aware, we are now proud to have a fully-fledged Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy in place here at LiQuid. This means that we have promised to continually strive towards being the best vaping business we can be! Part of that promise is to ensure we do everything we can to reduce our carbon footprint; Environment forms one of the five core “Es” of our CSR plan.

Switching to black caps may only seem like a small change, however it comes with some nice benefits to both the environment and you guys, our customers.

Improved Stock Availability

For a long time, we have used different coloured caps for different products and ranges. By unifying everything and using only black caps for all our 10ml e-liquids, we are able to operate much more efficiently! By removing the need to change caps between runs, we are able to minimise downtime and maximise productivity – that makes it far easier for us to ensure that we have plenty of stock available at all times, so you can always get your hands on your favourites.

Reduced Energy Consumption

You might think less downtime for our machines would mean more energy is consumed – in fact, by reducing the amount of stopping and starting different caps can cause, we are able to operate much more efficiently as a whole. This means we consume less energy to maintain our operations and helps us to control our carbon footprint even more than we already have.

Reduced Waste Plastic

Aside from making us more efficient, by using the same cap for every product we are able to more accurately forecast our stock requirements and order more effectively. This means we can always use up every last cap, reducing our plastic waste. It also means that we rely on only one type of cap being manufactured, which means our suppliers can operate more efficiently too, helping them to reduce their own carbon footprint – it’s a win-win!


So, keep your eyes peeled if you place an order soon – you might find some products arriving with white caps and some with black as we phase out the current supply. Eventually all orders will have black caps only, but please bear with us until then – if you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer care team!

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