Why Do Footballers Use Nicotine Pouches?
Nicotine pouch use amongst adults in the UK has started increasing more year on year, as the presence of nicotine pouches on retail shelves as well as online stores has gradually increased in recent times.
However, a study has shown that the use of nicotine pouches by footballers, both men and women, is typically higher than what is seen by the general UK adult population.
In this blog, we look at the results of this study in detail to see the reasons why footballers use nicotine pouches, as well as explaining what nicotine pouches are and exploring whether the nicotine used in the pouches is causing a dependency to form amongst footballers in the UK.
What Are Nicotine Pouches?
Nicotine pouches are classed as “oral nicotine products” and this is because the pouches are placed into the mouth for the nicotine to absorb.
The way in which nicotine pouches work is that a pouch is normally placed between the upper lip and gum where it rests in place for the duration of use. Once in place, the moisture from the mouth then activates the pouch and the nicotine in the powdered nicotine solution that is contained in the pouch then absorbs through the gum and into the bloodstream.

In the opening few minutes of the pouch being put in place and the nicotine absorbing, this may give off a slight tingling sensation, which is perfectly normal but if you are new to using nicotine pouches, it may feel a bit peculiar to start with, but it doesn’t last long.
The time in which you keep a nicotine pouch in place is entirely up to you, it can be as little as 10 minutes or the longer end of the scale of around 45-60 minutes. Once you feel that your cravings for nicotine have subsided, you can take the pouch out and dispose of it.
These offer an incredibly discreet way for nicotine consumption, as they do not produce any smoke or vapour. And they often do not cause any form of bulging from the lip, meaning people wouldn't even notice when you do have one resting between your gum and lip.
Are Nicotine Pouches Footballers' New Team Mate?
Nicotine pouch use has certainly started to see a rise here in the UK over the last few years. Despite them being available to buy in the UK for a good few years now, it's only recently they've started gaining in traction and popularity with people opting for a smoke/vapour free alternative for nicotine.
But there's been one specific group of adults using nicotine pouches which appear to have caught the eye of the media and that's professional footballers who are turning to using oral nicotine products as studies have shown a high usage of nic pouches amongst footballers.
Earlier this year, Loughborough University teamed up with the Professional Footballers Association (PFA) to produce a "first of its kind" study examining the use of nicotine pouches with footballers, and the results of this study makes for some fascinating reading.
Their goal they wanted to achieve for carrying out this study was to look at the usage of nic pouches with footballers as well as the percieved health and performance effects (if any) that using nicotine pouches have.
An impressive 628 participants from men's football took part as well as 51 from women's football, and the university also conducted interviews with football teams performance and medical staff as to get a true reading into the topic matter.
From the pool of those surveyed, it was found that 18% of the male footballers & 22% of the female footballers used nicotine pouches regularly. With an additional 42% men and 39% women admitting to have tried them at least once in the past.
The survey did mention the use of nicotine pouches and snus, with some uncertainty on whether or not both were being used, or if nicotine pouches were being categorized as snus. Snus differs from nicotine pouches in the way it contains actual tobacco leaf, wheras nicotine pouches do not. We've explained all in our feature blog about this and explain the difference between the two in depth.
Why Do Footballers Use Nicotine Pouches?
We've established that nicotine pouch use with footballers is prevelant, both in the men's game as well as the women's game, but you may be curious as to why do footballers use nicotine pouches? The study took a deep dive into this, and provided results of their findings.
The common answer given for why they use nicotine pouches is to relax as well as spend time with teammates. This relates to the convenience factor of nicotine pouches, where you can just easily put a pouch in your mouth between your gum and upper lip when with friends and relaxing, without the need to break up or interrupt what you're doing.

The common time when nicotine pouches were used by footballers were either after training or after a football match as well as on days off. Club staff who were surveyed also pointed towards nicotine pouch use being used to "unwind" from the adrenaline which was fuelled by playing a game of football, especially the evening or late kick off games which often do not start until gone 7pm.
Are Nicotine Pouches Addictive?
There was further inquest and consultation in to why footballers use nicotine pouches and the question arose whether or not footballers had become addicted/dependant on nicotine from using nicotine pouches.
Of the players surveyed , results showed that 53% in the men’s game and 73% in the women’s game admitted to there being elements for being dependent on nicotine. And those also admitted noticeable withdrawal symptoms when not using nicotine pouches including cravings, restlessness and feeling irratible.
All of these symptoms that footballers admit to experiencing are the common withdrawals when abstaining from nicotine, and this is because nicotine is a highly addictive chemical which people can easily form an addiction and dependency to if used frequently.
Nicotine is addictive regardless whatever it's used in, whether that be vape juice, tobacco products or nicotine pouches. It's the addictiveness of nicotine as to why it's always recommended to use some form of nicotine replacement therapy if you're looking to quit smoking, so that you do not withdraw nicotine from your system completely, because this would then create negative effects in the form of withdrawals as we've explained above.
Are Nicotine Pouches Right For You?
Nicotine pouches are designed to be an alternative oral product for nicotine consumption and only used if you've previously used other forms of nicotine delivery such as combustible tobacco products, or e-cigarettes. It's not recommended to use any nicotine based products if you've previously never used nicotine as this will likely cause an unneccesary addiction/dependency for nicotine.
However, if you're a smoker looking to quit, or a vaper who's seeking an alternative nicotine source, then nicotine pouches could be for you.
Nicotine pouches offer a smoke/vapour free nicotine delivery and are perfect if you're looking for something discreet when it comes to nicotine. First you need to find the right nicotine strength nic pouch which relates to the amount of cigarettes you previously smoked, or the nicotine strength of your vape juice. If you're unsure of what's right for you, then check out our handy guide which explains it in detail!
Nicotine pouches are ideal to use if you lead a busy lifestyle that involves being on the go a lot, whether that's travelling and commuting, or working in a busy environment that doesn't give you much time for breaks to get outside and either smoke or vape.
You can simply pop a nicotine pouch in your mouth, between your upper lip and gum, wherever you are and let the nicotine absorb through the gum without the need to interrupt your day! Nic pouches offer the most convenient way to consume nicotine, and if you haven't tried them yet, we'd highly recommend giving them a try!
Buy Nicotine Pouches Online From LiQuid!
We stock nicotine pouches from some of the best nicotine pouch brands on the market today, and you can buy them from our online vape shop and get them delivered directly to your door, just to add that little extra bit of convenience! Shop the ranges from Killa, Ubbs and Airplane Mode which are made by popular disposable vape brand Lost Mary.
And coming very soon, we will be launching our own brand, LiQuid Nicotine Pouches in a variety of different flavours and nicotine strengths to cater to everyone's individual needs and preferences, so stay tuned and keep an eye out for when they come in stock!
We also have a full guide to nicotine pouches which has been written to tell you everything you need to know about them to ensure you choose the right strength and ensure that you have a pleasant experience when trying nicotine pouches for the first time!