AI is taking the world by storm, and despite some both exciting and worrying predictions by experts about what AI could achieve in the future, millions of us have been playing around with AI in one form or another.
We must admit, here at LiQuid we’ve got the AI bug too – that’s why for this blog we decided to ask Google’s new AI project ‘Bard’ a few questions about the UK’s vaping habits, from the top vaping cities to preferred products, and even how many recorded vapers there are in different locations – check out what Bard had to say below!
The Top Ten UK Cities Where Vaping Is Most Popular
We kept this question pretty vague, and just asked Bard where it thought the top ten most popular vaping cities in the UK were, and what products sell best there:
10) Cardiff
Coming in at number ten, Bard flagged Cardiff as a city where vaping is very popular, with a preference for disposable vapes and pod devices like the Innokin Klypse.
9) Bristol
Bristol followed shortly after, showing a preference for refillable pod systems.
8) Sheffield
The steel city is a vaping hub according to Bard, with a penchant for Tobacco and Fruit e-liquid flavours.
7) Nottingham
Notts took the seventh spot on the list, with it’s vapers leaning towards fruit and sweet e-liquids.
6) Liverpool
The former cultural capital of the UK also enjoys a healthy vaping scene it seems, especially fans of refillable vapes and disposables.
5) Leeds
Much like the others on the list, the apparently numerous vapers in Leeds enjoy a mix of Fruit & Menthol e-liquid flavours and a range of devices.
4) Manchester
Our home town just slips into the top 5, with our fellow Mancunian vapers enjoying a full range of devices and e-liquids.
3) Glasgow
Taking bronze according to Bard are Scotland’s Glaswegian vapers, who much like Mancunians prefer a range of devices and e-liquids from 50-50 to HVG.
2) Birmingham
It’s no surprise to see the Brummies taking Silver here, by the averages their population alone should mean they have one of the biggest vaping populations, and they have had a thriving role in the vape industry with many well-known brands being based in, or originating from the city.
1) London
Shocking, we know – the city with the largest population in the country also happened to be the biggest vaping city – perhaps we didn’t need Bards AI brain to work that one out! Still though our nation’s capital is a buzzing hive of vaping activity, hosting big brands, lucrative retail, major events and all the other benefits an industry can reap from within one of the biggest business capitals of the Western World!

The Top UK Cities With The Highest Number of Vapers
Now we had Bard’s take on where vaping is considered the most popular, we wanted to ask a similar question, but this time focussing on how many actual recorded vapers live in some of these cities.
After all, something being popular there doesn’t necessarily mean that’s where the most people who practice vaping will actually live!
Here’s what Bard had to say:
What are the UK’s Biggest Vaping Populations?
- London has the highest number of vapers in the UK, with an estimated 1.5 million vapers.
- Birmingham is the second most popular city for vaping, with an estimated 750,000 vapers.
- Manchester is the third most popular city for vaping, with an estimated 600,000 vapers.
- Leeds is the fourth most popular city for vaping, with an estimated 500,000 vapers.
- Glasgow is the fifth most popular city for vaping, with an estimated 400,000 vapers.
What are the UK’s Top Ten Vape Hubs by Number of Recorded Vapers?
This one gave us a breakdown of which percentage of the locations’ population describe themselves as vapers according to a UKVIA (UK Vaping Industry Association) survey.
- Plymouth (11.4%)
- Stoke-on-Trent (11.1%)
- Portsmouth (10.9%)
- Wolverhampton (10.8%)
- Leeds (10.6%)
- Leicester (10.5%)
- Nottingham (10.4%)
- Sheffield (10.3%)
- Bristol (10.2%)
- Birmingham (10.1%)
Where in the UK Has The Most Vape Stores?
So now Bard has kindly shown us where it thinks the most popular vaping cities are, where the most vapers live, and what sorts of things these folks are buying, we were curious to know just how well catered-for these millions of vapers are, wherever they may be.
With that in mind we asked Bard one final question: What are the top ten places in the UK by number of vape stores? (it’s answers here are based on Google Maps)
- London (1,280)
- Birmingham (320)
- Manchester (280)
- Leeds (260) – Bard also gave us a bonus factoid: despite Leeds only having 260 stores vs London’s staggering 1280, the northern city actually has more vape stores per square mile than any other city on the list, or in the rest of the country!
- Glasgow (240)
- Liverpool (220)
- Nottingham (200)
- Bristol (180)
- Sheffield (160)
- Newcastle (140)
Is AI any good?
With our experiment with Bard concluded, we must admit it’s very clever – some of the answers were a little obvious, and we still needed our industry expert hats on to make sure things were accurate but overall, Bard proved itself to be quite knowledgeable about the world of vaping.
Next time you fancy trying out a new vape juice or device, maybe you should ask Bard if you are struggling to make up your mind! One thing we know for sure though, there’s no better way to vape than with a LiQuid Subscription!